photo credit: Nuts Bout Nuttn
The longer this stupid political campaign goes on, the more I realize that while I don’t actually like any of the people running, there are two people I would like to see win. Unfortunately, one is a Republican and one is a Democrat. The Republicans are terrified of letting us nonpartisans vote for their guys in the primary (and given the quality of Republican candidates in the recent past, not an unjustified fear, because we independents would have nothing to do with right-wing losers like that) but I can, if I wish, ask for a Democratic ballot on primary-election day and have at it.
I have been a nonpartisan voter all my life, except for a brief period where I was a registered Republican solely for the purpose of voting for John Anderson in the 1980 Kansas primary. I’ve been voting since 1972, and in that time span there have been four times when I have voted for a candidate instead of against the other guy. I voted for Ford in 1976, Anderson in 1980, and Clinton both times he ran. So that’s one Republican, one Independent and one Democrat. The rest of the time I just held my nose and voted for whoever was least disgusting. Is it worth giving up a lifetime of being firmly nonpartisan to vote for one of the Democrats? I still haven’t decided whether I feel strongly enough to do that. But I do actually want one Democrat to win.
And I didn’t think it would come to that when it all started. And I’ve been relentlessly muting all the political ads and all the talk about the elections on the 10pm news, too. Heaven only knows how I’d feel if I’d been listening.
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