Letters From Home

Life looks at infmom / infmom looks at life

silver ball, silver ball, it’s Christmas time for the kitty


We seldom have a lot of money to spend on holiday presents, but that’s never really been a problem.   Because of course the idea is not to spend money, but to find gifts that the recipient will really like.

When my brothers and I were kids, every Christmas our dad would give us $1 per gift per sibling.   And we had to think hard about what kind of nice gift we could get for that amount of money.   Granted, in the 50s and 60s a dollar went a lot farther than it does now, but even when I was in my final year of college the per-sibling spending limit had only risen to $5, and there were still plenty of neat things to be had at that price.

Of course, finding a gift on a tight budget requires the gift giver to think.   Maybe that’s why I spend a lot more time mulling things over than doing the actual shopping.   Once I’ve made up my mind, it usually doesn’t take long to acquire whatever-it-is and wrap it up.

My family almost always gets me neat things, but I must admit there are several items I’ve been given over the years that I’m still scratching my head over.   I won’t go into detail; let’s just say that the thought really does count and leave it at that.

This year, I almost took the plunge and bought an item of clothing for my daughter, but I wasn’t quite that brave.   🙂

Title of the message?   Something that came to me one holiday season years ago when I was holding our big fat silvery-grey lump o’cat.

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Author: infmom

Otherwise known as Infamous Mom.

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