Letters From Home

Life looks at infmom / infmom looks at life

we are family…


Today I scanned photos to send to my newly-found relatives. I don’t have a lot of old family pictures here, so I decided to try to find those that might be most interesting to someone of my father’s generation who was seeing us all for the first time.

So I had photos of my parents with my dad’s parents, photos of my grandparents with me and my brothers when we were young, some pictures of my cousin and her family and some of me with F’zer and the kids. I threw in a picture from our wedding because it’s pretty funny to look at, with all those hot 1972 fashions, and because it shows my Uncle Barry, whom I don’t have pictures of otherwise, and my parents during the last few years of their marriage.

The whole process of picking out photos that are representative of a family is interesting in and of itself. Do you pick the ones with the family looking serene or looking goofy? Do you include a photo in which everyone is patently Not Ready For Prime Time, because it’s the only one of its kind, or leave it out because you don’t want anyone seeing you like that? (I made a copy.) Do you include photos of relatives in their last years when they’re plainly showing the ravages of time? (Yes and no.) What best represents the family as it is, and was?

I have some slides that were taken just prior to my oldest brother’s wedding, which turned out to be the last group photo of our nuclear family together. (Nuclear, indeed, since our parents’ marriage blew up only a few months later.) The slides are very dark, and my attempts to scan them and reprint them have not been successful. I guess I need to take them to a professional photo finishing place and see what they can do. Now, the question is where such a place can be found, these days. The camera store I worked at is long gone, and the only other local camera store has also closed its doors.

After I get done looking up camera stores, I suppose I should start researching the possibility of buying a newer scanner. There is always a good reason to buy more peripherals, right?

My family. I think I’ll keep them.

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Author: infmom

Otherwise known as Infamous Mom.

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