Letters From Home

Life looks at infmom / infmom looks at life

and so it goes


Things I’ve discovered so far today:

  • The 3-hole puncher works SO much better now that I have oiled it.
  • I still wish I could afford one of those take-no-prisoners 3-hole paper drills.   It’s definitely on my list of future purchases.
  • Even though I got a paper jam by leaving the paper-catch-doojobbie up after putting paper in the printer, it didn’t impinge on my consciousness enough to keep me from leaving it up again when I refilled the printer, and thus I got another paper jam.   DUH!
  • A lot of the articles I tore out and saved are more than a year old.
  • Thus, throwing a lot of those articles away gave me a whole bunch more space to save new stuff in the same plastic envelopes.
  • Putting a catnip toy in the top perch of the cat tree encourages a pesky calico cat to stay there instead of re-inhabiting my desk chair every time I get up.
  • According to the UPS tracking site, my miter saw got put on the truck for delivery at 5 this morning and IT’S NOT HERE YET.   How the ^$%@! long does it take to drive to here from Sylmar, for pity’s sake?
  • I forgot where I put away all those Swiss Army knives I won on eBay.
  • A catalog stands a much better chance of my opening the cover if the sender gets my gender correct on the address label.   You call me Mister, your stuff goes straight in the trash.   Period.

Back to work.

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Author: infmom

Otherwise known as Infamous Mom.

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