I’ve been really behind on my posts here, lately, but for once I actually have a good reason for that.
More than 20 years ago, I started writing a novel. I got the basic structure of it worked out, and wrote a few chapters, and then set it aside for a while. I came back to it now and again over the years, and at some point decided it needed at least one more character and a different plot, so I started adding all that in, and then I got busy, or lazy, or something, and set it aside again. And there it sat, complete with its own floppy disk. That’ll give you an idea of how long ago it was that I set it aside.
Last year, I decided to participate in NaNoWriMo for the first time. Lacking an original idea for a novel, I decided to write a sequel to that first, long-unfinished book. And I managed to complete over 50,000 words in the allotted 30 days. I was very proud of myself. But then I realized I was really being an idiot, because if I could finish a complete story in what turned out to be less than a month, then I had no excuse for not finishing that book that had been gathering cobwebs for decades.
So I set my mind to it, and I finished it. The story was so old that it contained lots of references to ancient electronic gadgets like VCRs and portable cassette players, all of which were hot stuff when I first started writing. And I could see right away where I’d quit adding in the new character and plot line, because the quality of the novel went back to beginner level from one page to the next. So I fixed all that and had what I considered the full first draft.
Now, that book is in the process of being revised and edited. And the second one needed to be expanded to a better book length. That’s what’s been occupying my writing time the past few months, so I’ve let my blog postings slide. It’s not that I’m not still vitally interested in Multi.Colored or multicolored people! It’s just that I can only do so much writing in a day before I start sounding like a gibbering idiot. 🙂
The first book goes to the printers and e-publishers in August. I’ll post a note here and on my other blogs when I have more news. Bear with me.
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