I have a blog devoted to tattoos and body art (in case nobody noticed my mentioning it before, yeah right). I also keep an eye on the blogs that showcase new WordPress plugins. Not long ago, I saw a plugin that purports to turn blog posts into e-book formats. I tried it out.
It didn’t work properly for me, who knows why. But it got me to thinking that I could just as easily turn those blog posts into an e-book about tattoos without using the plugin. I had kinda-sorta thought about doing that in the past, but it was just another one of those things I never got around to doing. But now I’ve decided to see if I can make it work. I can release it through Smashwords, which did the e-book conversion of my novel Closed Circuit (which you can find here, say I, doing my bit to promote a good book any way I can). That site puts books into proper format for all the popular e-readers, plus plain text, PDF and HTML. So there’s something there for everyone.
I will have to figure out the best way to do it before NaNoWriMo starts in two weeks, though. After that, I won’t have the time. 🙂
Have any of you ever turned a blog into a book? Any tips or hints for success?
photo credit: jacopast
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