Letters From Home

Life looks at infmom / infmom looks at life

the book by its cover, part deux


I spent a long time browsing through the WordPress theme viewer and previewing everything that looked likely.  I downloaded several and then spent some more time installing and uninstalling and looking and considering and asking family members to look and consider too.

It boiled down to a choice among five themes.  I tried each in turn, adjusting the various items on the page to coordinate.  One three-column theme turned out to be just too busy when all was said and done.  One theme that I really liked turned out to have missing pieces and wouldn’t install.  One had a sidebar that was way too wide.  One looked really good, but there was no “edit” function for the posts and the borders around my images disappeared, so the text butted right up against them.  And then there was this theme, which excited no one, but in which every component actually worked.

So I have installed it, for now, and will continue to look around for something I like better.

Hope you'll recommend my posts via your favorite social media. Just don't copy the material as your own.

Author: infmom

Otherwise known as Infamous Mom.

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