Letters From Home

Life looks at infmom / infmom looks at life

hey, look it over…


What I’d like to see, somewhere, anywhere, is the reasoning behind the proliferation of “info-videos” on the internet these days. Seems like everyone who’s got a hot tip to offer, wants to do it via video.

That might be appealing to people who can’t, or won’t, read. Or for people whose reading speed is slower than the pace of speech. It’s also a useful way to deliver information that includes a demonstration of how a particular process works. But for everything else, come on, folks, the written word is much more efficient.

If someone’s explaining something complex, it helps not to have to take notes while they talk away. Far better to have written instructions, perhaps supplemented by a video if there’s some physical process involved that one needs to see to understand.

Have we become so addicted to the boob tube that everyone assumes we no longer remember how to read? How are we going to save and remember the information–bookmark the online video and keep watching it if we forget how something works?

I might well be interested in some of these products people are peddling, but if the only way to get the product is to watch a video, forget it. If you want my attention and my money, folks, kindly allow me to RTFM.

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Author: infmom

Otherwise known as Infamous Mom.

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